The position of the teachings of the Shia Imamate in strengthening the cognitive dimension of social capital and realizing the ideals of the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch, Isfahan


Today, social capital is very important, and its low level means that there is not enough reserve of social trust in the society, and as a result, the links in the society are distorted and public morals are threatened, and as a result, the quality of life and social welfare are in crisis. In order to promote social capital in our country and realize the ideals of the Islamic Revolution, it is necessary to present a native theory that is appropriate to the structure and political and social conditions of our country and with a value and religion-oriented approach. In this article, using the descriptive-analytical and historical-interpretive method, it is discussed that the Shia Imamate, with its characteristics such as infallibility, knowledge and divine guidance, while presenting the best epistemic system of social capital in expanding and strengthening the most important cognitive components of social capital That is, the component of trust and its main branch, i.e. trusting belief and behavior, followed by moving towards the ideals of the Islamic Revolution, are very effective.
